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Funeral Live Streaming Services

Share together with family and friends afar in a collective compassion of loss, dispair, and healing

with those that can't be there physically.

Funeral Live Streaming Company

Live Hub Events offers professional funeral webcasting services or funeral live streaming services anywhere in Florida. Our professional internet live-streaming specialist can broadcast (webcast) your loved ones funeral to any device so that the memorial service can be viewed from the comfort and safety of the remote viewers home. If you are looking for a live stream pro to help you live stream your loved ones funeral then we would be honored to help you with that. Live Hub Events is Central Florida's number one company for live streaming and webcasting services.

Why would you want to live stream a funeral?


For some families you may have members that are to sick or old and whom may not be able to travel a far distance to view the funeral service.


For some unfortunately, the passing of a loved one may have been very sudden and it isn't practical for people to take off work or its to costly to travel to the funeral for someone if they live very far away.

Short Notice

If the funeral has to take place within a certain time frame for medical or religious reasons, it can be live streamed for those who can not travel on such short notice.

Lack of Space

Sometimes our loved ones may be very prominent in the community and live streaming can be a good way for strangers to pay their respects without overwhelming friends and family at the actual funeral home.

What Are The Benefits of Live Streaming A Funeral Service?

Help People Heal Through Remote Participation

Sometimes loved ones are to far away or can't afford to travel for a memorial service. By webcasting the funeral however, friends and family can take part in the memorial service and listen to and grieve with those that are there in person.

Can be viewed after the funeral

Even with a live stream people still may not be able to attend. The beauty however is that it can be viewed online for 30-days so that they can watch it when they are ready.

Digital Time Capsule

As time goes on and memories fade and live streaming a memorial service can bring solace to people who want to re-watch and remember the stories that were told about their loved one. Additionally, this video can be shared with younger generations to keep the memory of that loved one alive!

Do you need help live streaming your loved ones memorial service?

FAQ About Live Streaming A Funeral Service

What does the camera setup look like? 

We utilize cutting edge cameras mounted on super low profile stand or mounts. Our camera person can be located outside of the main funeral room in most cases as to not disturb the family by standing around. We can also work with the funeral home to mount the camera out of view on a wall or ceiling making it like a fly on the wall.

Is the link to view the service public? 

We tailor the streaming experience to the families request and can make the link completely private and even add a password to the page to protect from anyone that isn't welcome from viewing the stream. We DO NOT use Youtube or Facebook unless specifically requested by the family and usually only in cases where the person was a public figure or community head.

Can people view the funeral webcast on their cell phones? 

Our platform allows users across the globe to view the service in near real time so they can be there in the moment and grieve from afar.

Is there ads on the stream? 

Absolutely not, we value and respect this very fragile moment for people and will never show an ad on the memorial page.

Can i add photos or video to the memorial page for people to watch before the funeral live stream?  

Yes! We want people to feel apart of the ceremony and so we offer complete customization for a small additional fee. We can upload photos, videos, and even add a chat box on the page so that those grieving remotely can interact with each other.

Do i get a record of the video stream? 

Yes! We provide a download link for you to recieve the complete recording of your loved ones memorial service.

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